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Experienced & Compassionate Child Custody Lawyer Orange County 

Making child custody or visitation decisions can often be the most challenging aspect of divorce. If you facing such issues, you need a compassionate child custody lawyer Orange County who has experience in such cases. 


Our skilled child custody lawyer Orange County will mount a zealous defence on your behalf. We will also maintain complete transparency throughout the process and champion your case efficiently. 



Child Custody in California 

Child custody in California is divided into:

·        Physical Custody

Physical custody refers to where the child lives, and which parent is the primary caregiver. The Child may live with the parent full-time, half the time, or anything in between. The non-custodial parent will get visitation rights per a timesharing agreement. 

·        Legal Custody

Legal custody is the parental authority to make important decisions for the child's education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. California courts mostly award joint legal custody unless detrimental to the child's best interests. 


Let a Child Custody Lawyer in Orange County Assist You

In California, gender does not play a role in custody determinations. Thus, custody will not be automatically awarded to the mother. It's essential to approach child custody matters with caution. 


Having an experienced child custody lawyer in Orange County by your side can be extremely beneficial. Contact Lopez Scca for a free initial meeting with our seasoned attorneys today. We are here to protect your child's best interests and your parental rights. Call (714) 733-7065 or send an email to to schedule your meeting.


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