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When is it Too Late to Fire your Attorney?

There can be several reasons why you may be unsatisfied with your current attorney. From poor communication or strategy differences to lack of experience or ethics - the client is under no obligation to continue with a single attorney through the entirety their case.

Generally speaking, you can fire your lawyer at any time, but there are a few exceptions. For instance, if criminal proceedings for domestic violence are pending against you, you may have to seek the court's permission before changing your attorney.

So, when is it too late to fire your attorney? Let's list the possible scenarios:

● If you are in the middle of an ongoing trial and a verdict is within sight, you may need the court's permission to change attorneys.

● If your previous attorney has made significant progress in your case, you may still have to pay the retainer fee for all work inputted by the lawyer.

● Family law proceedings can be costly, and changing your attorneys risks doubling that amount.

● Changing attorneys if you are against a deadline is ill-advised. Your new attorney will have to review the case, causing potential delays.

Consult an Attorney Before Firing your Current Legal Representation

Firing your attorney is a big decision, one that should be taken after careful consideration and weighing the pros and cons. Consult with an experienced attorney at Jos Family Law before you take such a step. We will assess your situation and the stage of your case and provide options so you can make an informed decision.

Call (714) 733-7066 or send an email to to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys today.


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